Friday, December 23, 2011

Columnist analysis 3

Clarence Page shows his view on the the show "All-American Muslim". He believes that the protests are ridiculous because they are rooted by stereotypical ideas. He shows that this is a valid statement by alluding to "The Crosby Show". This show, much like "All-American Muslim", was faced by criticism because it did not contain street gains. Also, Page shows faults in the logic of the protesters. For example, the protesters argue that their freedom of speech is violated when they are trying to restrict the freedom of speech of Muslims.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Columnist analysis 2

Clarence Page speaks of the connection Donald Trump has with Republican nominees. The author explains that a political strategist is outraged about the idea of Trump hosting a show with nominne's. The author expresses his view that our society is one that is focused on television, therefore it isn't that absurd that such a show should occur. The author shows his opinion and supports it by listing the myriad of television shows America is obsessed with, and explains that it isn;t absurd that political candidates should use this television craze to express their ideas.

Column analysis 1

The author Clarence Page writes of his opinion of Newt Gingrich policy for children labor and child poverty. Clarence Page argues that Gingrich new policy of child labor and child poverty conflicts policies that Gingrich formally supported. The author's audience is those who follow the Republican nomination. Clarence Page shows credibility on the issue of child poverty and child labor because he explains that he too was underprivileged.