Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday Matter 3

This picture is illustrates the anger many people have towards the current banking situation and employees of banking companies. There are many that believe that they are being mistreated by the banks. This picture uses rhetorical devices that parallels the opinion of the photographer. For example, the picture is taken in a alley, causing the frame to be small. This parallels the tight situation the man in the picture faces. Another device is the use of the cardboard sign. This indicates that he has very little money, and is fighting the banks because of it. The crowd indicates that there are a large number of people that have a negative opinion of banks and their employees. Finally, the expressions in the faces of the people illustrate pain and anger. This parallels their opinion.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Monday Matters #2

In The NFL and 9/11: Why Both should Be Honored the author, K. C. Dermody, expresses her views on the cermonies that took place on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in football stadiums across the country. the author blieves that by playing football it shows that our country is still strong. He or she believed that if we were to not play football it would be like giving the terrorists what they wanted. We honor the ones that died on that fatal day by continuing a sunday tradition; football.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 1

This article describes the effect of the anniversary of 9/11 had on sports in America and the rest of the world. The article focuses on the ceremonies that took place in all the football stadiums throughout the country. The NFL played a huge part in remebering those who lost their lives on that day. Ceremonies included American flags as big as football stadiums, a eulogy by Robert DeNiro, and USA chants in the stadiums. Also, the NFL promised to sell memorabelia, and give their profits to organizations related to 9/11. Not only was 9/11remembered in America; it was also remembered througout the world in places such as England and New Zealand.